


時間: 9993日,晚上7:00-8:30


主席: Channing

記錄: Vivi 

出席: Angela / Accounting / B.A / Cindy / Cement / Drek / Deborah / Honda / James / Jerry / Life / Ivan / Joy / K.Y / Rebecca / Supla /Sonia / Sunny / Terry / Tiger / Woody 

缺席: Cycle / Dominic / Feeling / Mobee(出國) / Midico / Outdoor(出國) / Vivian / Vincent (請假)


來賓:王榮助先生(Mold)/黃元碩先生(Akira) / 天野正昭先生 / 天野深雪女士 / 清山裕之先生 / 黃玟憲先生 / 王唯謙先生 / 王度 / 中西郁太郎先生 / 黃聖文先生 / 蔡雅泏小姐 



  1. 唱扶輪頌
  2. 社長致詞及介紹來賓: 非常歡迎由日本橫濱遠道而來的朋友,天野正昭先生及深雪夫人,清山裕之先生,中西郁太郎先生,母社Mold及公子王唯謙,母社Akira,土地銀行黃聖文經理,黃玟憲先生,蔡雅泏小姐及YEP INBOUND王度。
  3. 唱歡迎社友歌
  4. 聚餐聯誼
  5. 來賓天野正昭先生致詞(母社Akira介紹及翻譯)
  6. 社務及各委員會報告

◆ 社長:◎非常歡迎各位貴賓的來訪,今天參加2010-2011 年度第一次社長秘書聯誼會暨MG#72182捐助中華搜救總隊救難設備捐贈儀式頒發本社感謝狀。


◎青年領袖營感謝狀,感謝本社CP Supla及Vivian的積極參與。


◎頒發YEP INBOUND學生王度零用錢。(王度自我介紹及致贈社旗)



7. 與橫濱綠扶輪社交換社旗,社長贈送紀念品。

◆ 祕書:總監辦事處來函2010年曼谷扶輪研習會及會前各項研習會將於11171121日於泰國曼谷舉行,鼓勵各社友踴躍報名參加,報名費用$22500。

◆ 社務行政主委:◎9月24日為總監公式訪問,請各位能準時出席例會。

◎YEP INBOUND王度來台灣至今表現很好,感謝K.Y提供的手機及腳踏車,各位社員如果有禮物要送給王度或者有適合青少年參加的都歡迎帶他一起去,希望各位社員也能多多參與YEP 的服務。


◆ 社員主委:下週的例會活動將配合職業參訪移到巴克氏酒莊,詳細活動內容由聯誼主委報告。

◆ 扶輪知識主委:去年邁阿密成立一個扶輪社,他的例會地點為動物園,是一個很特別的型態。

When Rotarians decided to start a new club in Miami, the location they chose was zoo-logical. The Rotary Club of Miami Metrozoo, chartered in October, meets at the city’s zoo, in the Zoological Society of Florida building.

The club will be at the center of the action, predicts charter president William B. Tuttle, when the Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department builds an entertainment complex, water park, and hotel next to the Miami Metrozoo. A south campus of the University of Miami and a military museum are also slated for the area.

“This is going to be a tourist destination,” Tuttle says. “It will be great for businesspeople to come here and network.”

The location is also pretty handy for Tuttle, the zoo’s exhibits and graphics coordinator – the club meets steps from his office.

“It’s the most convenient club I’ve ever been in,” he says. Another member, Conrad Schmitt, is the facility’s curator of mammals, and the club’s first noncharter member, Jeri Phillips, grew up in the neighborhood. “I’ve been on these grounds since I was six or seven,” she says. “I’m thrilled to be at the zoo.”

One of the club’s first speakers was Ron Magill, Miami Metrozoo communications director, who is well known for his appearances on programs such as Good Morning America and the Late Show with David Letterman . In May, members organized a softball tournament and family festival to raise money to buy ShelterBoxes for Haiti and to promote the zoo’s conservation programs. The Rotarians also sponsor an Interact club.

For Carol Nobles, the challenges of starting the new club were part of the appeal.

“I like to be on the ground floor of an organization,” she says. “I like to look back and see where I’ve been.”


聯誼:很感謝各位社員及寶眷參加上週的撞球聯誼活動, 下週的例會活動計劃移到巴克氏酒莊聚會,由Sonia安排外燴食材及職業分享並安排品酒活動,希望各位社員能踴躍的參加。

◆ 公關主委:我們又開始打羽球了!地點在五期的超強羽球館,每週二晚間5:00-7:00,歡迎各位社員一起運動。

◆ 基金主委:今年度的EREY預計於十一月底前收齊,請未報名的社員能一同嚮應。


  1. 專題演講:翡翠之美-Sunny








本週紅箱收入(NT $ 1,300)




  1. 鳴鐘閉會



9/10  巴克氏酒莊職業參訪及Sonia 職業分享

9/17  Joy 參加YEP meeting 分享





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